Thursday 3 October 2013

Conventions of a contents page and double page spread

Conventions of a contents page

  • Feature stories in an orderly list (columns)
  • Mast head
  • Pictures (more than 1)
  • Plugs with special offers
  • Header/footer
  • Logo
  • Page numbers
  • Editor’s note
  • Main story repeated 
  • Title
  • Subheading to each category
  • Previous editions
  • Social media 
  • Subscriptions
  • QR codes
  • Captions

Conventions of a double page spread

  • Main story
  • Title (usually a quote)
  • Image
  • Logo of magazine
  • Social media
  • Drop cap
  • Columns of writing
  • Follow Colour scheme 
  • Q&A in different colours
  • Pull quote
  • Page number
  • Stand first (summary)

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